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Arabic | العربية | (800) 826-6317 |
Cantonese | 粵語 | (800) 339-8938 |
Mandarin | 普通话 | (800) 300-1533 |
Hmong | Hmoob | (800) 771-2156 |
Korean | 한국어 | (800) 738-9116 |
Russian | русский | (800) 778-7695 |
Filipino | Tagalog | (800) 983-8816 |
Armenian | հայերեն | (800) 996-1009 |
Farsi | فارسی | (800) 921-8879 |
Khmer | Khmer | (800) 906-8528 |
Lao | Lao | (800) 357-7976 |
Spanish | Español | (800) 300-0213 |
Vietnamese | Tiếng Việt | (800) 652-9528 | is sponsored by Covered California and the Department of Health Care Services, which work together to support health insurance shoppers to get the coverage and care that’s right for them.
Copyright © 2024 Covered California
Estimate what you might pay for your plan with the help of our nifty calculator.
After financial help from: You may qualify for: You may qualify for: Covered California both Covered California and no-cost or low-cost coverage through Medi-Cal. no-cost or low-cost coverage
check_circle Financial Help: $ per month check_circle Bronze, Gold and Platinum plans also available check_circle Coverage for children, adults and families check_circle Free or affordable pregnancy coveragecheck_circle Because of your income, you may be able to sign up now, even if you don't have another qualifying life event.
This isn’t an application for health coverage. infoTotal Subsidy: $
Members going to cca:
Members going to medical:
Fed Fairshare: $
Percentage of income:
SLS Benchmark cost:
SLS Rate:
Household Rating Factor: